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Efficiency of Solar Panels

5 Factors that Affect the Efficiency of Solar Panels

As California’s leading solar installation company, we constantly get questions about our solar panels. And for good reason — solar energy can be a significant investment, and we commend every homeowner who wants to know as much information as possible about the solar panels being installed on their home. Naturally, some of the most common […]

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Sun shining on solar panels on California home

Facts About Solar You May Not Have Known

If you’re here on our website, you’re likely here for one of two reasons — you’re either a solar sales company who’s looking for an excellent provider to work with, or you’re a California homeowner who is curious about solar power. The latter wouldn’t be surprising; due to the recent California Solar Mandate which went

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5 Common Misconceptions about Solar Energy

5 Common Misconceptions About Solar Energy

With every day that passes, solar energy becomes more popular. As society seeks alternative energy sources, the need for quality renewable energy has never been greater. And, with the recent extension of the Solar Investment Tax Credit, we’ll be hearing a lot more about solar power in the coming years. As California natives ourselves, we’ve

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Light bulb being held up to the sky shining like the sun

Everything You Need to Know About the California Solar Mandate

It’s an exciting time for solar energy. Solar is becoming increasingly more popular throughout the entire country, but nowhere more so than California. Not only is California one of the best states for solar power due to its abounding amount of year-around sunlight, but it has also recently passed the California Solar Mandate, a new

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4 Things to Look For in a Solar Installation Company

It’s no secret that solar power is becoming an increasingly more popular choice for energy in the US. There are so many advantages to solar power — its renewable nature, long-lasting lifespan, money-saving costs, we could go on and on. Solar power is becoming more and more common, especially here in California where we’re blessed

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